The advice I needed to read today, thank you!

I've been in a loop of productivity videos and books (Ali Abdaal and co you know), tried every techniques but all seems so strict for my ADHD let-me-do-whatever-i-want brain!

I find it so stressful to see my calendar full of blocks already there, I hate micro management even if it comes from me. Planning with freedom is the key.

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May 17Author

Hello Elodie! This comment makes me so happy!

One of the biggest reasons I started this substack is to share new, a little unconventional and more relaxed ways to handle productivity with ADHD because, yes! Like you...everything I read (and tried) was just too strict for me to keep up with!

If you have ADHD (or ADHD tendencies) then this the perfect Substack for you! I hope to connect with you and hope to see you in my comments again!

Last but not least, if you try this approach please do let me know! Sending love!

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This would be so helpful, you won a subscriber today and you will see me in the comments for sure ☺️

Sending love back!

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May 17Author

Thank you so much! I look forward to it!

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Wow this is me! I think this could work particularly for people that are and can be as disorganized and sometimes lazy as I am 😆

.... focusing on the bigger picture and leaving plans broad and vague with lots of wiggle room for the smaller details will allow you to feel less pressured .... 🙌🏻


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May 10Author

Hello, Phil! Disorganized is my middle name so yes! This technique is disorganized and lazy approved!

Thanks for reading! Let's keep in touch!

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I love this breakdown. I walked a similar path like you when it comes to time blocking. I remember the phase where everything was planned from walking up to going to bed. But then I woke up 10 min later, had to move the whole schedule 😂

I think it's learning as much about time management as about yourself. Figuring out what works for you.

I adjust my 'productivity' routine every 3 months or so, to fit my current needs. I also take into account the female hormonal cycle, which has a huge influence on my productivity.

Lovely read Han!

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May 10Author

Hahaha, I guess it's something a lot of people who want to improve their productivity deal with at some point, right? For me it was as bad as "Brush teeth from 8:03 to 8:07". Man, that was a mistake!

I can confidently say that the time I was trying to make myself more productive was when I learned the most about myself, my habits and just why I do the things I do (or don't do).

Back in the day I didn't have a need to change up my schedule that way but now I do. I'm going to take that into consideration now that I'm trying to rebuild my routine in a new country.

I will also need to do it every 3 months like you. How's that worked out for you? Any hacks you can share? I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading!

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I like this idea. It seems such a reasonable method. Thanks for sharing, I hope to apply it and see how it works for me.

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May 7Author

Thank you! Please come back to tell me how it worked for you!

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Going to give this a go! Audhd has been a struggle with planning my days.

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May 11Author

Hey there, thanks for reading! If you try, please let me know how it worked out for you! My methods are a little bit unconventional and since these kinds of things are super personal and subjective, I’m really interested to know if they work for other people as well as they do for me!

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